Know what components you should include in your medical care

Know what components you should include in your medical care

There are many things that you can do when you are creating an estate plan. Before you try to get things together, you need to consider what goals you have for your loved ones after you pass away. Keeping this in mind as you go through the process might help you make decisions that can help you realize that goal. We can help you come up with an estate plan that addresses those points.

Remember that your estate plan encompasses more than just the plans that you have for after you pass away. You can also plan for what is going to happen if you are unable to make decisions for yourself. It might not be easy to think about that and to plan for it, but it can certainly take some of the stress off your loved ones if you have everything in line.

There are two areas that you should plan for in case you become incapacitated. These are your health care and your finances. You can appoint someone to handle the decisions for each of these areas. This is known as giving them the powers of attorney.

On top of this, you can outline what plan you have for medical care. This lets everyone involved know what you are willing to have done and what you aren’t. For example, if you are willing to receive intravenous nutrition, but you don’t want to be placed on a ventilator, you need to spell that out in your living will. We will help you put together a full estate plan that outlines everything from your wishes for your final days through what you want to happen with your assets.

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