Zoning laws are meant to provide a plan for how land within a city or municipality is being used. They help to prevent mixing usages that might disturb each other and be a detriment to both. The zones that are typically used include residential, commercial and industrial.
There are sometimes “mixed” zones, and there might also be zones for historical properties and other specialized types. For example, a parcel might be zoned for a small neighborhood store within a residential area to provide people who live there with a convenient option for getting some of life’s necessities.
The laws that govern zoning and land use also serve some other purposes. They can limit specific aspects of the properties that fall within a certain area. For example, the height of buildings and limitations on signage are common. There might also be limits on how many rooms a building can have, or the position of buildings on a property might be noted.
Oftentimes, the limitations placed on properties are controversial. Unless there is something that’s amiss about what’s being required, there is little chance that the court will step in to require the government to change things about the zoning.
One of the most important things to find out when you want to purchase a property is what type of zone and land use governs it so you can ensure you’re able to use it for your intended purpose. If it isn’t, you may need to carefully reconsider your options. While it is sometimes possible to overcome zoning limitations, it can be an uphill battle that you may decide is easier (and cheaper) to avoid.
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