Criminal defense strategies must consider jury perception

Criminal defense strategies must consider jury perception

When you are facing a criminal charge, you have to come up with a strategy for your defense. This can be challenging because you must think about a variety of things that can have an impact on the specific points you can use in that defense. Because of the uniqueness of each criminal case, you can’t rely on a cookie-cutter defense when you are trying to determine what to do. We know that this can be a complicated process, but we are here to help you work through it.

Your defense strategy has to encompass everything that you do with your defense. It must include considerations about the way you are pleading. If you think that you are going to entertain a plea deal, that has to be a factor in your decisions. You also have to think about the evidence and witnesses the prosecution will call because you have to try to refute as much as possible.

As you are thinking about the evidence and witnesses that you are calling to the stand, you need to consider how everything might be construed. Sometimes, the way that you present things has a part in how they are perceived. You should try to put yourself in each juror’s shoes to determine how things might be received. We can work with you on this.

Under no circumstances should you try to avoid the case. You should use as much time as you can to prepare for the case. This might help you ensure you are doing what you feel is best as you battle against the charges against you.

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